We’d love to see you at Easter.
Easter Sunrise Service
6:30 AM
Main Easter Service
10:30 AM
Once upon a time, there was a man named Jesus, but Jesus was more than just a man. He was the Son of God, and he was sent to the earth by God. By all accounts, Jesus was a good man. He only spoke the truth, and never did anything wrong. During his life, Jesus was given a mission to teach the world a new way to live. To do so, he had to stir the pot quite a bit, and it made some people very angry. So angry, in fact, that they plotted to kill Jesus...
And they succeeded. Jesus was arrested, tried by the Roman court, found to be innocent, and was sentenced to death anyway. They whipped him, they beat him, they took a vine of thorns and wove it into a crown and placed it on his head, then they beat that crown so the thorns drove into his head. They made him carry a wooden cross up a hill, and once he reached the top, they nailed him to that cross, and stood it up as a spectacle. People threw things at him. They called him names. They spit on him. And then Jesus died, hanging from that cross.
When he died, darkness covered the earth, and Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb, and the tomb was sealed with a stone.
To the people who loved him and the people who followed his teachings, all seemed lost.
But three days later, he came back to life! And this is what Easter is all about! We are celebrating the man who was sent by God to change the course of human history, and carried out this task flawlessly. Jesus met his friends a few times, and the last time he saw them, he gave them a task - to represent him throughout the world and help others truly believe that what Jesus did was real. That is the task for all Christians since, and for all Christians in the future.
You see, one important thing about Jesus was that he never messed up. He never spoke ill of anyone, he never killed anyone, he never looked at a person with lust, he never lied, and he never turned anyone away who came to him for help. Because of that, his death put an end to the grip that mistakes hold over our lives. Furthermore, when he came back to life, he brought with him forgiveness for every wrong thing anyone has ever done.
The bible says in Romans 6:23 - “for the wages of sin is death.” Jesus broke death when he died. And through his forgiveness, he offers life that last forever. Now isn’t that something worth celebrating? 😉